Check out the summary of posts from 5 Ways to be the best version of yourself.
- Rise Up: Don’t let self-doubt stop you from getting out of your comfort zone. And ignore the negative voices in your head.
Read: Instead of Wallowing in Self-Doubt, Do These 3 Things - Get Going: Start by volunteering. And get your friends and family involved.
Read: 4 Inspirational Stories of People Who Used Their Personal Struggles to Help Others - Baby Steps: Take your big goals and break them down to little increments.
Read: John C. Maxwell: 4 Ways to Reach Your Personal Best - Into the Wild: Being in the outdoors will be a welcome change.
Read: ‘Maybe the Only Way to Have an Answer to the Unknown Is to Face It Every So Often’ - Moderation: Browsing social media is a highlight reel of other’s lives. Don’t live in the comparison trap.
Read: Why Social Media Is Ruining Your Self-Esteem—and How to Stop It

Doug DeVries has been working in youth basketball for over 25 years. He has a passion to see sports in balance in life, for kids to thrive in sports, and for parents to enjoy the entire process.