Hoopr: Tracking Basketball Performance

Hi guys, we at hoopr have developed a tool that allows you to do real-time stat tracking on your phone (here are some screenshots of how it’s done). This is a great way to track your players’, or kids’, performance as you watch them play on the court, and begin building their basketball history. We will also be adding in analytics as we continue to improve the platform.

As summer ball is underway, you can sign up now at www.hoopr.com for free, and track performance when you, your kids, or your players play.

Finally, we welcome your feedback. Thank you!

submitted by /u/teamhoopr
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Mulhern resigns as UWS women’s basketball coach

In addition, Otto-Fisher has been a member of the coaching staff of the Minnesota Fury, one of the top AAU basketball programs in the Upper Midwest, …

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