Packline defense while playing with an uptempo offense?

Has anyone run the packline defense while playing with an up tempo offense? If you have, what was your experience? If you haven’t, why do you believe this may not be a good idea?

In terms of tempo rank on KenPom in 2017, Virginia was ranked 333rd, Arizona was ranked 276th, and Xavier was ranked 224th. All 3 programs run the packline and all play a slower brand of offensive basketball.

It’s just something I find interesting. As a coach who is considering employing the packline defense in my program, I’m wondering if it may be counter productive to play up-tempo while running the packline. The 3 college programs I listed above play a slow tempo, and it just seems that making teams work very hard defending on the offensive end may help the packline defense as teams will then have to work just as hard to get good looks.

submitted by /u/chs234
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… Sundays — Carolina Predators AAU basketball team training, 1-5 p.m. at Meadowlark Middle School. Fee $56. Contact

Request for help: What coach am I?

Greetings, and forgive the slightly off-topic post. I am a Bostonian visiting San Francisco, and a tall guy with a basketball stopped me in the middle of the street and said, “Do you know xyz xyz?” He said some name, and I didn’t know who he was talking about. I said, “No, I’m afraid I don’t.” He went on to say, “Yeah – he the coach for the and his name is xyz xyz. You look just like him. I’m serious, look it up!” I said, “great thanks, I will!”

Of course, later I completely forgot who he’d mentioned, and my friends are useless. But now I’m really curious.

So here is a picture of me in a shirt and tie, and then a more regular picture of me. I figured you guys might know. Thank you very much for any suggestions!

submitted by /u/johngreenink
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